If you’ve been feeling uninspired, lethargic, or otherwise “off,” a quick ritual may be just what you need to clear away any unwanted energy in the air around you.
Smudging or burning sage is one popular space-cleansing practice today, I’m going to share other herbs and incense that can welcome fresh, fantastic energy at home.
Simply burn them until smoke appears and then walk them through your space with an intention in mind for what exactly you’d like them to clear for you.
Be sure to open your windows before you start, and never leave anything burning unattended!
(1) Burn the orange zest to attract joy
(2) Burn cedar for decluttering
(3) Burn thyme to attract money.
(4) Burn yerba santa for loving vibes
(5) Burn coriander to attract loyalty.
(6) Burn white sage to purify and renew energy.
(7) Burn sunflower seeds and sugar to bring abundance.
(8) Burn mint, to soothe the thoughts.
(9) Burn laurel, to put an end to anguish and protect yourself from spells.
(10) Burn the artemissa, to have clairvoyance and lucid dreams.
(11) Burn coffee beans to scare away evil spirits.
(12) Burn rosemary to eliminate diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.
(13) Burn lavender, to bring calm and tranquility.
(14) Burn chamomile to remove bad spells and bring good luck.
(15) Burn cloves to avoid gossip, attract luck, money and good friendships.
(16) Burn tangerine shells to attract new love.
(17) Burn the oak bark to have more fertility.
(18) Burn lemon grass to energize talismans.
(19) Burn cinnamon sticks to spark the relationship and attract abundance.
(20) Burn the garlic shell to avoid and ward off envy and if you do it on Friday you attract money.
(21) White rose burn, to bring harmony and softness.
(22) Burn tobacco to expel evil spirits.
(23) Burn palo santo to purify and protect.
(24) Burn star anise to protect yourself from the evil eye, protection and good luck.
(25) Burn eucalyptus leaves to ward off bad people.
(26) Burn mugwort to enhance dreams, especially adventurous ones.
(27) Burn Anamu (Petiveria Alliacea), to find a job and make dreams come true.
(28) Burn Tibetan monastery incense for clarity
(29) Burn violet petals to heal a broken heart.
(30) Use Himalayan salt lamps instead of burning anything if you don’t want to.
Although Himalayan salt lamps are not technically “burned,” you can use them to evoke feelings of peace and prosperity. They look wonderful as they glow and are perfect for companies and houses where burning things is not an option.
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